Tuesday, August 25, 2020

If Marijuana Were Legalized Analysis Essay Example For Students

In the event that Marijuana Were Legalized Analysis Essay In the event that Marijuana Were LegalizedDrugs are a significant persuasive power in our nation today. The issue has gotten so insane that numerous choices are being considered to control it or even illuminate it.Ending the medication war is by all accounts a piece impossible.The war on drugs is by all accounts achieving a great deal however this isn't correct. Various alternatives should be thought of. Sanctioning is a choice that hasnt gotten an opportunity yet ought to be given one.Although numerous individuals feel that legitimizing cannabis would expand the measure of utilization, maryjane ought to be authorized in light of the fact that it will decrease the incredible measures of cash spent on implementation and it will build our countrys revenue.There are likewise numerous advantages that can be revealed to help individuals if authorization of pot is given an opportunity. Authorizing maryjane wouldincrease our economys income. During Prohibition liquor utilize was as yet sold and utilized, however individuals were doing it illegally.The 21st amendment canceled denial and liquor charges were increased.The same thing ought to occur with drugs.Marijuana ought to be burdened intensely to build our income. Cannabis and different medications would be made by similar individuals who make headache medicine so the quality would be guaranteed, containing no toxic substances or adulterants.Sterile hypodermic needles will be promptly accessible at corner tranquilize stores.These could be burdened intensely in light of the fact that the clients will be guaranteed of clean drugs.Making drugs lawful will decrease the extraordinary measures of cash went through on requirement consistently. Street pharmacists and clients are one stride ahead on the authorization procedure. On the off chance that one medication master is gotten, another will show up elsewhere. We can't win. In 1987, 10 billion dollars were burned through alone just on upholding drug laws. Medications represented around 40 percent of all crime arraignments in the New York City courts in 1989.This figure is fourfold what it was in 1985. . 40% of the individuals in government jail are sedate law violators (Long 114). One can just envi sion what this figure would resemble today.Too much cash is squandered on a reason that is by all accounts no limit to. In 1989, a Republican area official of Mercer County N.J. evaluated that it would cost him as much as 1 billion dollars to manufacture the prison space expected to house all the no-nonsense medication clients in Trenton alone (Long 128). The entirety of this cash could be utilized on better things. By lifting the restriction on weed use and rewarding it like different medications, for example, tobacco and liquor, the country would increase quick and long haul benefits. This adjustment in the law would extraordinarily improve the personal satisfaction for some individuals. Survivors of glaucoma and those requiring antinausea treatment, for instance, would discover pot effectively accessible. Likewise, the haze of doubt would vanish, and specialists could continue ahead with examining marijuanas clinical utilizations unafraid of contention. In the paper, Drugs,Vidal states, Nevertheless numerous medications are terrible for specific individuals to take and they ought to be explained why in a reasonable manner (321-322). It may get conceivable to talk about the perils of maryjane use without becoming involved with an approach banter.. In the interim, the underground market would vanish for the time being. Some game plan would be made to permit the creation of maryjane cigarettes. A huge number of sellers would be made bankrupt, and a mystery some portion of the economy would come away from any detectable hindrance. It is hard to state whether this change would decrease wrongdoing since hoodlums would most likely keep on selling different medications. Be that as it may, it would affect the measure of cash moving through criminal channels, and this may debilitate composed wrongdoing. .u6269dd03635cbcdfe5dd0bc42602c51d , .u6269dd03635cbcdfe5dd0bc42602c51d .postImageUrl , .u6269dd03635cbcdfe5dd0bc42602c51d .focused content territory { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u6269dd03635cbcdfe5dd0bc42602c51d , .u6269dd03635cbcdfe5dd0bc42602c51d:hover , .u6269dd03635cbcdfe5dd0bc42602c51d:visited , .u6269dd03635cbcdfe5dd0bc42602c51d:active { border:0!important; } .u6269dd03635cbcdfe5dd0bc42602c51d .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u6269dd03635cbcdfe5dd0bc42602c51d { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; obscurity: 1; change: murkiness 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u6269dd03635cbcdfe5dd0bc42602c51d:active , .u6269dd03635cbcdfe5dd0bc42602c51d:hover { haziness: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-progress: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u6269dd03635cbcdfe5dd0bc42602c51d .focused content region { width: 100%; position: r elative; } .u6269dd03635cbcdfe5dd0bc42602c51d .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-adornment: underline; } .u6269dd03635cbcdfe5dd0bc42602c51d .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u6269dd03635cbcdfe5dd0bc42602c51d .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt span: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-improvement: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/modules/intelly-related-posts/resources/pictures/straightforward arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6269dd03635cbcdfe5dd0bc42602c51d:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u6269dd0363 5cbcdfe5dd0bc42602c51d .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u6269dd03635cbcdfe5dd0bc42602c51d-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u6269dd03635cbcdfe5dd0bc42602c51d:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Emerging Trends in Entrepreneurship EssayThe authorization of maryjane would profit the government financial plan in two different ways, the bureaucratic incomes would increment, since cannabis cigarettes would be charged at the retail location. Consequently, the organizations that make the cigarettes would likewise make good on personal expenses.. Second, there would be a decrease on the sum spent on law authorization endeavors to capture and arraign clients and dealers of pot. The medication implementation specialists may lessen their spending solicitations, or, almost certain, emphasis all the more strongly on hard medicat ions and vicious wrongdoings. The courts would be soothed of hearing some medication cases, also. The most significant addition would be in the nature of government. The sorts of enticements and openings that lead to debasement would be altogether limited. The silly example of law implementation, which presently regards weed as progressively hazardous as liquor, would end. It would set progressively attainable objectives for law authorization, and this would loan quality and validity to the legislature. In the paper drugs, Vidal states, It is conceivable to stop most illicit drug use in the United States inside an exceptionally brief timeframe, Simply make all medications accessible.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Single Mom and Going Back to School Free Essays

Single parent and Going Back To School I am in my mid-thirties and returning to class. I would need to state that my kids are the essential explanation for this choice. I am their good example and educator and I expect to be the most ideal one. We will compose a custom article test on Single parent and Going Back to School or on the other hand any comparative theme just for you Request Now I need to show my kids the unlimited prospects of hard genuine work. I need to send them to school and live easily. All through my own understanding, I have discovered that the sky is the limit even while I am adjusting a family, multi employments and school. When I left secondary school in 1992, I went to the Sawyer School for Business. With class to complete, I discovered that I was pregnant and having issues. As a result of my pregnancy issues, I needed to leave school. I didn’t graduate since I couldn't finish that one class. After, that I had no inspiration to return to class; a choice I generally lamented. A couple of years after the fact, I got hitched and had a delightful child young lady named Dominique. Presently, she is eighteen and graduated secondary school. I got separated and went from working at a manufacturing plant making window ornaments to being a security monitor at the Convention community in Providence. During this a great time, I pondered internally, â€Å"I could stand to return and my children need me†. At that point, I met my sweetheart and more than two years after the fact, I was pregnant with my second little girl Selena; and she is currently twelve and in the 6th grade in center school. Subsequent to having Selena, I went from driving a school transport to being a police dispatcher for the Bristol Police Department. In the wake of working there for a long time, I contemplated internally, â€Å"I can’t work the third move and functioning as a police dispatcher was an unpleasant job†. Thus, I applied at the primary office for the school division to turn into a secretary, in spite of the fact that they were just recruiting a sub-secretary. I promptly accepted the position; I wasn’t in any event, thinking about school. At that point, a couple of months passed and I was pregnant again with a lovely child kid named Dennis. Dennis is currently six years of age and in kindergarten. At the point when he was conceived, I truly didn't have work as a top priority, so I chose to go into business by cleaning houses. This was the ideal occupation for me at the time in light of the fact that having an infant, a multi year old, and a multi year old was a great deal of work. It was extremely advantageous for me to begin house keeping since I picked my hours. I was working a few hours per day was as yet accessible for my children. Now of my life that I still couldn’t return to class. At some point, I chose to go after a position on the third move since I required the additional cash and it would be helpful for my children and I. Working at Atria in Portsmouth expected me to watch out for older individuals. The most significant thing to me is thinking about the home. I delighted in working there so a lot and it made me imagine that I could return to class to turn into a CNA, or even become a medical attendant. Throughout the mid year of 2012, I thought, â€Å"What am I doing with my life? † I was cleaning houses and dealing with the older. I out of nowhere understood that my young ladies were more seasoned and my child was in kindergarten; it’s the ideal open door for me to achieve my fantasy. In this way, I made sense of my timetable so I would possess a lot of energy for work, school and my two most youthful youngsters. At last, I pondered internally that I can go to class, get a degree, and perhaps take my children on an extended get-away. Exhortation starting with one single parent then onto the next single parent the sky is the limit on the off chance that you have the heart and mentality. To start with, you have to choose what you need to accomplish for a vocation. Second, discover where you can get help monetarily. Third, locate a protected spot for your kids. In this way, I realize it causes me to feel great that I am demonstrating my children that the sky is the limit in the event that you put your heart and brain into it. The most effective method to refer to Single Mom and Going Back to School, Papers

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Nourishing bodies, enriching souls and minds

Nourishing bodies, enriching souls and minds Almost three years ago, I wrote an entry which was very special to me, talking about two people at MIT who had touched many lives. I entitled the entry Our Friends, in memory of two special members of the MIT community: James Big Jimmy Roberts and Howard Brown. My annual donation to MIT ever since has been designated for the James (Big Jimmy) E. Roberts, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Fund (sometimes known as the Big Jimmy Fund). Todays Boston Globe had the news of the passing of another special member of our community. John Jackson was the longtime cook for the Delta Kappa Epsilon (DKE) fraternity at MIT. I never met Mr. Jackson, but the reverence with which the MIT alums speak of him reminds me of many people from my MIT experience, including Mr. Bishop, Baker Houses erstwhile night watchman, as well as Big Jimmy and Howard Brown. The part of the article that most touched me was this: Mr. Jackson [was] a father figure to generations of young men in the house [] As well as nourishing bodies, Mr. Jackson enriched DKE brothers souls and minds, members of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology fraternity said. Here is the full text of the obituary: John Jackson, longtime cook at MIT fraternity house; at 92 By Gloria Negri, Globe Staff | November 4, 2007 A strange thing happened Oct. 19 at MITs Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity house: The pilot light on the main Vulcan stove in the kitchen where John Jackson had cooked for half a century suddenly went out. About the same time, current cook Tom Egan, who had been baking pizzas, said he received a phone call from an alumnus telling him of Mr. Jacksons death. I think Jack used his last breath to blow out the pilot light to make sure we knew who was still boss around here, Egan said, using Mr. Jacksons nickname. Its still giving me goose bumps and shivers. Mr. Jackson, a father figure to generations of young men in the house, died of cancer Oct. 19 at Sherrill House in Jamaica Plain. He was 92 and had previously lived in Roxbury. As well as nourishing bodies, Mr. Jackson enriched DKE brothers souls and minds, members of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology fraternity said. He gave them a connection with the past by carrying on old traditions. You could get an idea of what dinner was like in 1948, said Ted Devlin of Somerville, a self-employed industrial designer who lived at the Memorial Drive house from 1983-1987. At three bells, you gathered in the living room. At four bells, the sliding door was opened and you waited at your chair until the brother in the presidents chair sat down. If you were late, you ate in the kitchen. Saturday dinner was formal: jacket and tie, he said via e-mail. And, of course, if a woman had to leave the room, all the men rose from their seats. Today, hundreds of MIT alumni consider Mr. Jackson their brother; the fraternity made him an official DKE member, Devlin said. Although Jack started as a cook, his role became much more rich and important as social barriers dropped over the years, he said. Mr. Jackson was a sounding board and an example to countless young men, who found comfort and perhaps some direction in chats with him. Not that Jack would expound on politics or philosophy, Aaron Berg, a consultant from Beverly and member of the class of 88, said via e-mail. But just seeing him in action preparing for the day maybe rolling out dough for biscuits or prepping ground beef for Salisbury steaks. . . . Jack was, in my mind, an embodiment of the Greatest Generation dignity and character, the real kind. John Lewis Jackson was born in Ladonia, Texas, one of five children of John Lewis and Emma Jackson. His father was a plumber. His mother died when he was 9, and his father remarried. He enlisted in the Navy in 1937, a time when African-Americans could not aspire to high rank, and was assigned as a cook. Stationed at Pearl Harbor aboard the USS Helena for four years, he had just reenlisted when the Japanese attacked. He was slightly wounded twice during the bombardment and was awarded the Purple Heart, said Martha Beacon of Mattapan, a longtime friend of Mr. Jackson and his caretaker in later years. He served in the South Pacific until the war ended. For a time during his Navy service, Mr. Jackson was stationed aboard the USS Stanton, which was docked in Boston in 1944. During that time he met and married his first wife, Sally. The marriage eventually was dissolved. Mr. Jackson later married Hermie (Reeves) Williams and joined her in membership at Twelfth Baptist Church in Roxbury. In 1947, DKE house father Lewis Gosman, who said his job was to keep the 35 young men in line and well behaved, hired Mr. Jackson as cook. After he retired in 1994, Mr. Jackson was persuaded by the brothers to stay on to cook breakfast for several more years. Whenever DKE fraternity brothers meet, they talk not only of Mr. Jacksons caring, but of his special culinary treats, some with a Southern twist. They recall his banana goodie, which Egan said included the bananas DKE brothers ignored. Mr. Jackson mashed up the old bananas with vanilla and poured the mixture over a wafer crust. At Mr. Jacksons funeral last week in Twelfth Baptist Church, friends and DKE brothers recalled how Mr. Jackson had cooked and sent meals to the needy families of his church. And eulogies came from all over. As our house chef, he fed our hearts, minds and stomachs over these many years, Louis A. Frasco from Belmont, class of 1965, said in an e-mail eulogy. All these years, he had been a constant familiar face at the house for visiting alumni of all ages who stopped in the kitchen first to see Jack. In 1991, DKE house alumni raised funds to send Mr. Jackson and his wife to Pearl Harbor for the 50th-anniversary ceremonies. Mrs. Jackson died in 2000. From knowing Jack, it was easier to begin to understand, as an 18-year-old, what is truly important, Berg said. Services have been held. As I said at the conclusion of Our Friends, its not just about Nobel Laureates and Rhodes Scholars here. Many people at MIT have touched my life, and I hope in some small way I might have touched theirs.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Ethical Issues And Values At Stake 7 - 1627 Words

Kathryn Bolkovac – whistle-blower; illegal conduct at UN mission in Bosnia Ethics and Public Values MADS 6604 V1 Abhishek Moadgil Aline Porcaro Harjot Kaur Harpreet Kaur Lovedeep Kaur Dhaliwal Instructor- Dr. Brenda Lyshaug 14th March 2016 Fairleigh Dickinson University, Vancouver Table of Contents Unethical conduct and the whistle-blower 3 Core ethical issues and values at stake 7 References 9 Unethical conduct and the whistle-blower Kathryn Bolkovac was a former police officer and she worked as a UN International Police Force monitor. She signed up with DynCorp, the private contractor providing American personnel for the UN mission in Bosnia. She is the one in whole officials, who had the bravery to tell the truth and fight for the victims of sex trafficking, prostitution, put her own life in the risk. During her United Nation mission in Bosnia, Kathryn discovered that people from the mission were involved in sexual slavery and exploitation of young girls that were trafficked mainly from Russia and Ukraine (Huffington Post, 2013). According to The Telegraph (2012), very commonly, the girls had taken jobs as waitresses or nannies in Bosnia, upon arriving they found out that those jobs were only baits to take them somewhere else, where they were sold, striped, abused and forced to be humiliated in brothels. The girls who mange to run away were severely punished by their pimp, theShow MoreRelated The Ethics of Xenotransplantation Essay examples1615 Words   |  7 PagesNov. 4, 2000 there were a total of 72,824 patients on the waiting list to receive replacement organs. Also, in 1999, UNOS reported that 6125 people died while on the waiting list to receive a transplat organ. 3. 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Sunday, May 10, 2020

Samples Movie Review Essay Reviews & Tips

Samples Movie Review Essay Reviews & Tips The Characteristics of Samples Movie Review Essay Make sure that the writing is smooth and simple to comprehend. No, it is a genre of academic writing. Keep reading to discover how it is possible to create your next essay as smooth as butter. Writing an ideal film critique essay is nonetheless not effortless. Without a tail, the review appears lonely and harsh don't offend the bad thing! A crucial movie review example is an excellent selection of how it is possible to access the shortcomings portrayed by the movie and back your claims with factual evidence. You should first watch a movie and take notes to develop a superior movie review example. If you are certain that the movie is fantastic and worth watching, you must be persuasive enough to be able to convince your readers your evaluation is accurate. It isn't necessary to read all the samples, just select the ones which are more acceptable for your topic. The very first thing you ought to do is watch the movie. During the very first viewing, you should immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the film as a way to find a general impression. You need to be very attentive to every detail of the film even those that seem to don't have any meaning whatsoever. Subtly make the way that you feel about the movie known to your reader and state the most important idea on which you will expand. On the flip side, if you wish to continue to keep your readers out of wasting their time on bad movies, you also must use your power of persuasion. It's very entertaining to see a film and to discuss that, so even such a task can become an outstanding experience. Free time is critical to socialize and develop individual abilities and passions. Life After Samples Movie Review Essay You could also see absolutely free outline. You might also see essay outline. You might also see thesis outline. You might also see content outline. But What About Samples Movie Review Essay? Movie review essay is a sort of academic writing used with a tall frequency to look at the amount of students' understanding of the chief thought of a movie. To assist you do that, we've provided a movie review example cache to function as a guide in understanding how to start crafting an outstanding paper. If you wish to learn to compose a book review or analyze any other bit of art, you want to prevent common mistakes, which might greatly help determine the outcome. Unfortunately, developing a high-quality review might seem a difficult job, particularly for beginners. The Tried and True Method for Samples Movie Review Essay in Step by Step Detail In our opinion, the ideal way to describe how to compose a movie review paper is to supply you with a specific movie review examples. You may want to think about publishing your review on the internet or on the newspapers. Thereafter, you should start writing the review. Trying to compose a review is only going to lead to futility as their papers will be of poor quality and they'll wind up with low grades. It's also advisable to proofread the review to get rid of any spelling mistakes and errors that could be avoided movie review writing should be precise and totally free of errors. Well, so as to understand what things to write in a movie review, it's vital to comprehend what the intent of writing a movie review is. If you're writing a movie review, it is necessary to take into account your readers. A movie review writing guide provides the writer instructions about how to compose a movie review. Besides the overall info, it's important to include your thesis into the introduction. A similar approach has to be used for reviewing a brief film too. At the end, you want to supply your own evaluation, concentrating on several capabilities. Fortunately, you are able to better it with the aid of our special recommendations. Finding Samples Movie Review Essay on the Web Furthermore, the movie isn't depicted too poetic so the generations have the ability to relate. When it's a movi e or a documentary, the name is extremely significant and it's not a sensible idea to ignore it altogether. Movie Essay also enables you to be aware of the art of film making as well. To begin with, you are not going to observe any top rated famed actors and actresses in the cast. The movie is merely dependent on the book. It concentrates on the life of Forrest Gump, which is the main character of the movie.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Practical Demonkeeping Chapter 12-13 Free Essays

12 JENNIFER When Jennifer arrived home from work, the phone was ringing. She ran to the phone, then stopped with her hand on the receiver, checked her watch, and decided to let the answering machine get it. It was too early to be Travis. We will write a custom essay sample on Practical Demonkeeping Chapter 12-13 or any similar topic only for you Order Now The machine clicked and began its message, Jennifer cringed as she heard Robert’s voice on the answer tape. â€Å"You’ve reached the studios of Photography in the Pines. Please leave your name and number at the tone.† The machine beeped and Robert’s voice continued, â€Å"Honey, pick up if you’re there. I’m so sorry. I need to come home. I don’t have any clean underwear. Are you there? Pick up, Jenny. I’m so lonely. Call me, okay? I’m still at The Breeze’s. When you get in-â€Å" The machine cut him off. Jennifer ran the tape back and listened to the other messages. There were nine others, all from Robert. All whining, drunken, pleading for forgiveness, promising changes that would never happen. Jenny reset the machine. On the message pad next to the phone she wrote, â€Å"Change message on machine.† There was a list of notes to herself: clean beer out of refrigerator; pack up darkroom; separate records, tapes, books. All were designed to wash reminders of Robert out of her life. Right now, though, she needed to wash the residue of eight hours of restaurant work off her body. Robert used to grab her and kiss her as she came in the door. â€Å"The smell of grease drives me mad,† he’d say. Jenny went to the bathroom to run her bath. She opened various bottles and poured them into the water: Essential Algae, revitalizes the skin, all natural. â€Å"It’s from France,† the clerk had said with import, as if the French had mastered the secret of bathwater along with the elements of rudeness; a dash of Amino Extract, all vegetable protein in an absorbable form. â€Å"Makes stretch marks as smooth as if you’d spackled them,† the clerk had said. He’d been a drywall man moonlighting at the cosmetic counter and was not yet versed in the nomenclature of beauty. Two capfuls of Herbal Honesty, a fragrant mix of organically grown herbs harvested by the loving hands of spiritually enlightened descendants of the Mayans. And last, a squeeze of Female E, vitamin E oil and dong quai root extract, to bring out the Goddess in every woman. Rachel had given her the Female E at the last meeting of the Pagan Vegetarians for Peace when Jenny had consulted the group about divorcing Robert. â€Å"You’re just a little yanged out,† Rachel had said. â€Å"Try some of this.† When Jenny finished adding all the ingredients, the water was the soft, translucent green of cheese mold. It would have come as a great surprise to Jennifer that two hundred miles north, in the laboratories of the Stanford Primordial Slime Research Building, some graduate students were combining the very same ingredients (albeit under scientific names) in a climate-controlled vat, in an attempt to replicate the original conditions in which life had first evolved on Earth. It would have further surprised her that if she had turned on a sunlamp in the bathroom (the last element needed), her bath water would have stood up and said â€Å"Howdy,† immediately qualifying her for the Nobel prize and millions in grant money. While Jennifer’s chance at scientific immortality bubbled away in the tub, she counted her tips, forty-seven dollars and thirty-two cents’ worth of change and dollar bills, into a gallon jar, then marked the total into a logbook on her dresser. It wasn’t much, but it was enough. Her tips and wages provided enough to make the house payment, pay utilities, buy food, and keep her Toyota and Robert’s truck in marginal running order. She made enough to keep alive Robert’s illusion that he was making it as a professional photographer. What little he made on the occasional wedding or senior portrait went into film and equipment, or, for the most part, wine. Robert seemed to think that the key to his creativity was a corkscrew. Keeping Robert’s photography business buoyant was Jennifer’s rationalization for putting her own life on hold and wasting her time working as a waitress. It seemed that she had always been on hold, waiting for her life to start. In school they told her if she worked hard and got good grades, she would get into a good college. Hold, please. Then there had been Robert. Work hard, be patient, the photography will take off, and we’ll have a life. She’d hitched herself to that dream and put her life on hold once again. And she had kept pumping energy into the dream long after it had died in Robert. It happened one morning after Robert had been up drinking all night. She had found him in front of the television with empty wine bottles lined up in front of him like tombstones. â€Å"Don’t you have a wedding to shoot today?† â€Å"I’m not going to do it. I don’t feel up to it.† She had gone over the edge, screaming at him, kicking wine bottles around the room, and finally, storming out. Right then she resolved to start her life. She was almost thirty and she’d be damned if she’d spend the rest of her life as the grieving widow of someone else’s dream. She asked him to leave that afternoon, then called a lawyer. Now that her life had finally started, she had no idea what she was going to do. Slipping into the tub, she realized she was, in fact, nothing more than a waitress and a wife. Once again she fought the urge to call Robert and ask him to come home. Not because she loved him – the love had worn so thin it was hard to perceive – but because he was her purpose, her direction, and most important, her excuse for being mediocre. Sitting in the safety of her bathroom, she found she was afraid. This morning, Pine Cove had seemed like a sweatbox, closing in on her and cutting off her breath. Now Pine Cove and the world seemed a very large and hostile place. It would be easy to slip under the warm water and never come up, escape. It wasn’t a serious consideration, just a momentary fantasy. She was stronger than that. Things weren’t hopeless, just difficult. Concentrate on the positive, she told herself. There was this guy Travis. He seemed nice. He was very good-looking, too. Everything is fine. This is not an end, it’s a beginning. Her paltry attempt at positive thinking suddenly dissolved into a whole agenda of first-date fears, which somehow seemed more comfortable than the limitless possibilities of positive thinking because she had been through them before. She took a bar of deodorant soap from the soap dish, lost her grip, and dropped it into the water. The splash covered the faint death gasp the water let out as the soap’s toxic chemicals hit it. PART THREE SUNDAY NIGHT Millions of spiritual creatures walk the Earth. Unseen, both when we wake and when we sleep. – John Milton 13 NIGHTFALL Overall, the village of Pine Cove was in a cranky mood. No one had slept well Saturday night. Through most of Sunday the weekend tourists were finding ugly chips in Pine Cove’s veneer of small-town charm. Shopkeepers had been abrupt and sarcastic when asked the usual inane questions about whales and sea otters. Waiters and waitresses lost their tolerance for complaints about the unpalatable English food they served and either snapped at their customers outright, or intentionally gave them bad service. Motel desk clerks indulged themselves by arbitrarily changing check-out times, refusing reservations, and turning on the NO VACANCY signs every time someone pulled up to the office, proclaiming that they had just filled their last room. Rosa Cruz, who was a chambermaid at the Rooms-R-Us Motel, slipped â€Å"sanitized for your protection† bands across all the toilets without even lifting the lids. That afternoon, when a guest protested and she was called on the carpet by the manager, who stood over the toilet in room 103, pointing to a floating turd as if it were a smoking murder weapon, Rosa said, â€Å"Well, I sanitized that, too.† It might have been declared Tourist Abuse Day in Pine Cove for all the injustices that were inflicted on unsuspecting travelers. As far as the locals were concerned, the world would be a better place if every tourist decided to hang bug-eyed and blue-tongued by his camera strap from a motel shower rod. As the day wore into evening and the tourists vacated the streets, the residents of Pine Cove turned to each other to vent their irritability. At the Slug, Mavis Sand, who was stocking her bar for the evening, and who was a keen observer of social behavior, had watched the tension grow in her customers and herself all afternoon. She must have told the story of Slick McCall’s eight-ball match with the dark stranger thirty times. Mavis usually enjoyed the telling and retelling of the events that occurred in The Head of the Slug (even to the point of keeping a microcassette recorder under the bar to save some of her better versions). She allowed the tales to grow into myths and legends as she replaced truths forgotten with details fabricated. Often a tale that started out as a one-beer anecdote would become, in the retelling, a three-beer epic (for Mavis let no glass go dry when she was telling a story). Storytelling, for Mavis, was just good business. But today people had been impatient. They wanted Mavis to draw a beer and get to the point. They questioned her credibility, denied the facts, and all but called her a liar. The story was too fantastic to be taken at face value. Mavis lost her patience with those who asked about the incident, and they did ask. News travels fast in a small town. â€Å"If you don’t want to know what happened, don’t ask,† Mavis snapped. What did they expect? Slick McCall was an institution, a hero, in his own greasy way. The story of his defeat should be an epic, not an obituary. Even that good-looking fellow who owned the general store had rushed her through the story. What was his name, Asbestos Wine? No, Augustus Brine. That was it. Now, there was a man she could spend some time under. But he, too, had been impatient, and had rushed out of the bar without even buying a drink. It had pissed her off. Mavis watched her own mood changes like the needle on a barometer. Given her current crankiness, the social climate in the Slug tonight would be stormy; she predicted fights. The liquor she stocked into the well that evening was diluted to half strength with distilled water. If people were going to get drunk and break up her place, it was going to cost them. In her heart of hearts, she hoped she would get an opportunity to whack someone with her baseball bat. AUGUSTUS As darkness fell on Pine Cove that evening, Augustus Brine was filled with an uncharacteristic feeling of dread. In the past he had always seen sunset as a promise, a beginning. As a young man sunset had been a call to romance and excitement, more recently it signaled a time of rest and contemplation. Tonight it was not sunset, the promise, but sundown, the threat. With nightfall the full weight of his responsibility fell across his back like a leaden yoke, and try as he might, Brine could not shrug it off. Gian Hen Gian had convinced him that he must find the one that commanded the demon. Brine had driven to the Head of the Slug, and after enduring a barrage of lewd advances from Mavis Sand, he was able to pry out of her the direction the dark stranger had gone when he left the bar. Virgil Long, the mechanic, gave him a description of the car and tried to convince him that his truck needed a tune-up. Brine had then returned home to discuss a course of action with the king of the Djinn, who was engrossed in his fourth Marx Brothers movie. â€Å"But how did you know he was coming here?† Brine asked. â€Å"It was a feeling.† â€Å"Then why can’t you get a feeling of where he is now?† â€Å"You must find him, Augustus Brine.† â€Å"And do what?† â€Å"Get the Seal of Solomon and send Catch back to hell.† â€Å"Or get eaten.† â€Å"Yes, there is that possibility.† â€Å"Why don’t you do it? He can’t hurt you.† â€Å"If the dark one has the Seal of Solomon, then I too could become his slave. This would not be good. You must do it.† The biggest problem for Brine was that Pine Cove was small enough that he could actually search the entire town. In Los Angles or San Francisco he might have been able to give up before starting, open a bottle of wine, and let the mass of humanity bear the responsibility while he sank into a peaceful fog of nonaction. Brine had come to Pine Cove to avoid conflict, to pursue a life of simple pleasures, to meditate and find peace and oneness with all things. Now, forced to act, he realized how deluded he had become. Life was action, and there was no peace this side of the grave. He had read about the kendo swordsman, who affected the Zen of controlled spontaneity, never anticipating a move so that he might never have to correct his strategy to an unanticipated attack, but always ready to act. Brine had removed himself from the flow of action, built his life into a fortress of comfort and safety without realizing that his fortress was also a prison. â€Å"Think long and hard on your fate, Augustus Brine,† the Djinn said around a mouthful of potato chips. â€Å"Your neighbors pay for this time with their lives.† Brine pushed himself out of the chair and stormed into his study. He riffled through the drawers of the desk until he found a street map of Pine Cove. He spread the map out on the desk and began to divide the village into blocks with a red marker. Gian Hen Gian came into the study while he worked. â€Å"What will you do?† â€Å"Find the demon,† Brine said through gritted teeth. â€Å"And when you find him?† â€Å"I don’t know.† â€Å"You are a good man, Augustus Brine.† â€Å"You are a pain in the ass, Gian Hen Gian.† Brine gathered up the map and headed out of the room. â€Å"If it be so, then so be it,† the Djinn shouted after him. â€Å"But I am a grand pain in the ass.† Augustus Brine did not answer. He was already making his way to his truck. He drove off feeling quite alone and afraid. ROBERT Augustus Brine was not alone in his feeling of dread at the onset of evening. Robert returned at sunset to The Breeze’s trailer to find three threatening messages on the answering machine: two from the landlord, and one ominous threat from the drug dealer in the BMW. Robert played the tape back three times in hope of finding a message from Jennifer, but it was not there. He had failed miserably in his attempt to crash and burn at the Slug, running out of money long before passing out. The job offer from Rachel wasn’t enough either. Thinking it over, nothing would really be enough. He was a loser, plain and simple. No one was going to rescue him this time, and he wasn’t up to pulling himself up by his own bootstraps. He had to see Jenny. She would understand. But he couldn’t go looking like this, a three-day growth of beard, clothes he had slept in, reeking of sweat and beer. He stripped off his clothes and walked into the bathroom. He took some shaving cream and a razor from the medicine cabinet and stepped into the shower. Maybe if he showed up looking like he had some self-respect, she would take him back. She had to be missing him, right? And he wasn’t sure he could spend another night alone, thinking about it, going though the nightmare. He turned on the shower and the breath jumped from his body. The water was ice cold. The Breeze hadn’t paid the gas bill. Robert steeled himself to endure the cold shower. He had to look good if he was going to rebuild his life. Then the lights went out. RIVERA Rivera was sitting in a coffee shop near the police station sipping from a cup of decaf, smoking a cigarette, waiting. In his fifteen years on the force he estimated that ten of them had been spent in waiting. For once, though, he had the warrants, the budget, the manpower, and probable cause, but he had no suspect. It had to go down tomorrow, one way or another. If The Breeze showed up, then Rivera was in line for a promotion. If, however, he had gotten wind of the sting, then Rivera would take down the drunk in the trailer and hope that he knew something. It was a dismal prospect. Rivera envisioned his task force swooping in with sirens blaring, lights flashing, only to chalk up a bust for unsafe vehicle, perhaps unlawful copying of a videotape, or tearing the tag off a mattress. Rivera shivered at the thought and ground out his cigarette in the ashtray. He wondered if they would let him smoke when he was working behind the counter at Seven-Eleven. THE BREEZE When the jaws of the demon had clamped down on him, The Breeze felt a moment of pain, then a light-headedness and a floating feeling he had come to associate with certain kinds of hallucinogenic mushrooms. Then he looked down to see the monster stuffing his body into its gaping mouth. It looked funny, and the ethereal Breeze giggled to himself. No, this was more like the feeling of nitrous oxide than mushrooms, he thought. He watched the monster shrink and disappear, then the door to the old Chevy opened and closed. The car sped off and The Breeze felt himself bouncing on the air currents in its wake. Death was fine with The Breeze. Sort of the ultimate acid trip, only cheaper and with no side effects. Suddenly he found himself in a long tunnel. At the end he saw a bright light. He had seen a movie about this once; you were supposed to go toward the light. Time had lost meaning for The Breeze. He floated down the tunnel, for a whole day, but to him it seemed only minutes. He was just riding the buzz. Everything was copacetic. As he approached the light, he could make out the figures of people waiting for him. That’s right: your family and friends welcome you to the next life. The Breeze prepared himself for a truly bitchin’ party on the astral plane. Coming out of the tunnel, The Breeze was enveloped by an intense white light. It was warm and comforting. The people’s faces came into view and as The Breeze floated up to them, he realized that he owed every one of them money. PREDATORS While night fell on some like a curtain of foreboding, others were meeting the advent of darkness with excited anticipation. Creatures of the night were rising from their resting places and venturing forth to feed on their unsuspecting victims. They were feeding machines, armed with tooth and claw, instinctively driven to seek out their prey, gifted with stealth and night vision, perfectly adapted to the hunt. When they stalked the streets of Pine Cove, no one’s garbage cans were safe. When they awakened that evening, they found a curious machine in their den. The supernatural sentience they had experienced the night before had passed, and they retained no memory of having stolen the tape player. They might have been frightened by the noise, but the battery had long since run down. They would push the machine out of the den when they returned, but now there was a scent on the wind that drove them to the hunt with urgent hunger. Two blocks away, Mrs. Eddleman had discarded a particularly gamey tuna-fish salad, and their acute olfactory systems had picked up the scent even while they slept. The raccoons bounded into the night like wolves on the fold. JENNIFER For Jenny, evening came as a mix of blessing and curses. The call from Travis had come at five, as promised, and she found herself elated at being wanted but also thrown into a quandary about what to wear, how to behave, and where to go. Travis had left it up to her. She was a local and knew the best places to go, he had said, and he was right. He had even asked her to drive. As soon as she had hung up, she ran to the garage for the shop vac to clean out her car. While she cleaned, she ran possibilities through her mind. Should she pick the most expensive restaurant? No, that might scare him away. There was a romantic Italian place south of town, but what if he got the wrong idea? Pizza was too informal for a dinner date. Burgers were out of the question. She was a vegetarian. English food? No – why punish the guy? She found herself resenting Travis for making her decide. Finally she opted for the Italian place. When the car was clean, she returned to the house to pick out what she would wear. She dressed and undressed seven times in the next half hour and finally decided on a sleeveless black dress and heels. She posed before the full-length mirror. The black dress definitely was the best. And if she splashed marinara sauce on it, the stain wouldn’t show. She looked good. The heels showed off her calves nicely, but you could also see the light-red hair on her legs. She hadn’t thought about it until now. She rummaged through her drawers, found some black panty hose and slipped them on. That problem taken care of, she resumed her posing, affecting the bored, pouty look she had seen on fashion models in magazines. She was thin and fairly tall, and her legs were tight and muscular from waiting tables. Pretty nice for a thirty-year-old broad, she thought. Then she raised her arms and stretched languidly. Two curly tufts of armpit hair stared at her from the mirror. It was natural, unpretentious, she thought. She had stopped shaving about the same time she had stopped eating meat. It was all part of getting in touch with herself, of getting connected to the Earth. It was a way to show that she did not conform to the female ideal created by Hollywood and Madison Avenue, that she was a natural woman. Did the Goddess shave her armpits? She did not. But the Goddess was not going out on her first date in over ten years. Jenny suddenly realized how unaware she had become of her appearance in the last few years. Not that she had let herself go, but the changes she had made away from makeup and complicated hairstyles had been so slow she had hardly noticed. And Robert hadn’t seemed to notice, or at least he had not objected. But that was the past. Robert was in the past, or he would be soon. She went to the bathroom in search of a razor. BILLY WINSTON Billy Winston had no such dilemma about shaving. He did his legs and underarms as a matter of course every time he showered. The idea of conforming to a diet soft-drink ideal of the perfect woman didn’t bother him in the least. On the contrary, Billy felt compromised by the fact that he had to maintain his appearance as a six-foot-three-inch tall man with a protruding Adam’s apple in order to keep his job as night auditor at the Rooms-R-Us Motel. In his heart, Billy was a buxom blond vixen named Roxanne. But Roxanne had to stay in the closet until Billy finished doing the motel’s books, until midnight, when the rest of the staff left the motel and Billy was alone on the desk. Only then could Roxanne dance through the night on her silicon chip slippers, stroking the libidos of lonely men and breaking hearts. When the iron tongue of midnight told twelve, the sex fairy would find her on-line lovers. Until then, she was Billy Winston, and Billy Winston was getting ready to go to work. He slipped the red silk panties and garter belt over his long, thin legs, then slowly worked the black, seamed stockings up, teasing himself in the full-length mirror at the end of the bed. He smiled coyly at himself as he clipped the garters into place. Then he put on his jeans and flannel shirt and laced up his tennis shoes. Over his shirt pocket he pinned his name badge: Billy Winston, Night Auditor. It was a sad irony, Billy thought, that the thing he loved most, being Roxanne, depended on the thing he liked least, his job. Each evening he awoke feeling a mix of excitement and dread. Oh, well, a joint would get him through the first three hours of his shift, and Roxanne would get him through the last five. He dreamed of the day when he could afford his own computer and become Roxanne anytime he wanted. He would quit his job and make his living like The Breeze: fast and loose. Just a few more months behind the desk and he would have the money he needed. CATCH Catch was a demon of the twenty-seventh order. In the hierarchy of hell this put him far below the archdemons like Mammon, master of avarice, but far above the blue-collar demons like Arrrgg, who was responsible for leeching the styrofoam taste into take-out coffee. Catch had been created as a servant and a destroyer and endowed with a simplemindedness that suited those roles. His distinction in hell was that he had spent more time on Earth than any other demon, where, in the company of men, he had learned to be devious and ambitious. His ambition took the form of looking for a master who would allow him to indulge himself in destruction and terror. Of all the masters that Catch had served since Solomon, Travis had been the worst. Travis had an irritating streak of righteousness that grated on Catch’s nerves. In the past, Catch had been called up by devious men who limited the demon’s destruction only to keep his presence secret from other men. Most of the time this was accomplished by the death of all witnesses. Catch always made sure that there were witnesses. With Travis, Catch’s need for destruction was controlled and allowed to build inside him until Travis was forced to unleash him. Always it was someone Travis had chosen. Always it was in private. And it was never enough for Catch’s appetite. Serving under Travis, his mind always seemed foggy and the fire inside him confined to a smolder. Only when Travis directed him toward a victim did he feel crispness in his thoughts and a blazing in his nature. The times were too few. The demon longed again for a master with enemies, but his thoughts were never clear enough to devise a plan to find one. Travis’s will was overpowering. But today the demon had felt a release. It had started when Travis met the woman in the cafe. When they went to the old man’s house, he felt a power surge through him unlike anything he had felt in years. Again, when Travis called the girl, the power had increased. He began to remember what he was: a creature who had brought kings and popes to power and in turn had usurped others. Satan himself, sitting on his throne in the great city of Pandemonium, had spoken to a multitude of hellish hosts, â€Å"In our exile, we must be beholden unto Jehovah for two things: one, that we exist, and two, that Catch has no ambition.† The fallen angels laughed with Catch at the joke, for that was a time before Catch had walked among men. Men had been a bad influence on Catch. He would have a new master; one who could be corrupted by his power. He had seen her that afternoon in the saloon and sensed her hunger for control over others. Together they would rule the world. The key was near; he felt it. If Travis found it, Catch would be sent back to hell. He had to find it first and get it into the hands of the witch. After all, it was better to rule on Earth than to serve in hell. How to cite Practical Demonkeeping Chapter 12-13, Essay examples

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Witch Of Blackbird Pond Essays (853 words) -

Witch Of Blackbird Pond CH 1 The main character loads a ship called the dolphin. While on the dolphin she makes some friends and some enemies. A lot of the people on the ship think she is a witch. They think this because she jumped off the boat and she could. Predictions I think once they arrive the people on the dolphin will put kit on a witch trial. I don't believe you're a witch if you can swim CH 2 No one is talking to Kit right now. Her friend Nat teases her a lot. It seems that at this point that Kit loves to read. Not much has happened yet. Predictions I still think that the crewmembers are going to put Kit on witch trial. I don't care who the person was I would talk to the person no matter what even if she were a witch. CH 3 Kit finds her aunt and uncle and cousins. She has two cousins Merry and Judith. Her uncle did not know that Kit was coming (How embarrassing) Predictions Wouldn't you be so embarrass if you showed up and they didn't know you were coming. CH 4 At her aunt and uncles house and gives them clothes as a present. The only person who can keep them is Merry. Kits uncle didn't know she was coming Predictions I think that Kit feels uncomfortable at her aunt's house. I would feel uncomfortable too especially if they didn't know I was coming CH 5 Kit is forced to go to church with everyone even though she doesn't want to. At church she meets Abby and Will. Kit doesn't know that church is an all day thing here. Predictions I think that Will likes Kit. Will is going to come visit her at her aunt's CH 6/7 In chapter 6 the reverend came over for dinner. They gave up two days of sugar just for him. Matt doesn't like him. Will wants to come see Kit. In seven Will does come over I guess I was right. Will was so nervous he froze up in front of everyone Predictions I don't like Judith very much. I think Kit is beginning to like Will. CH 8 Kit and Judith have to go to the onion field and weed it the field is near the widow's house. Predictions I think Kit is starting to like living with everyone CH 9/10 Kit is trying to teach kids to read. She tried to teach them a play but it didn't work. Kit ran into the meadows and stayed there for hours. Kit is still trying to teach them. She goes to Hannah's house and sees Nat. Predictions I think that Hannah might be a good witch if a witch at all. Kit is not a witch though. Hannah and Kit will become good friends CH11 Kit runs into Prudence and talks to her. Prudence wants to read but her mom says it's stupid. Kit privately teaches her. Predictions I think that Hannah is trying to cover up something she's just to nice. CH12 School is finally over. Kit goes to Hannah's house. When she gets there Nat is there Kit helps mere Hannah's roof. Predictions I think Nat is going to stay for a while and help out Hannah. CH13 Kit finds out that John likes merry and not Judith (that's good) even though its work the husking bee is fun. Judith isn't disappointed about John (that's too bad) Predictions I think Will will stay after the husking bee. Matt will take Hannah for with craft. CH14 Andros will become Mayer. He will try to take away the charter. Nat has to stay because the dolphin is against the wind Predictions Hannah is going to try to stop Andros from taking away the charter I still think Hannah is a good witch if any CH15/16 There is a meeting held by no other than Andros. The charter was lost. The people are safe in Connecticut. Kit teaches Prudence how to write. Predictions I think that Hannah will be banned for doing witchcraft CH 17 Merry and Judith get sick the town people go to burn down Hannah's house down. Kit goes to take Hannah. Hannah gets on the Dolphin Predictions I think now they will think Kit is a witch because she helped Hannah. CH18 Judith might get better from her cold. Now that Hannah is gone Kit is thought to be the witch just as I predicted. Predictions I don't think Kit is a witch I do think