Friday, May 22, 2020

Ethical Issues And Values At Stake 7 - 1627 Words

Kathryn Bolkovac – whistle-blower; illegal conduct at UN mission in Bosnia Ethics and Public Values MADS 6604 V1 Abhishek Moadgil Aline Porcaro Harjot Kaur Harpreet Kaur Lovedeep Kaur Dhaliwal Instructor- Dr. Brenda Lyshaug 14th March 2016 Fairleigh Dickinson University, Vancouver Table of Contents Unethical conduct and the whistle-blower 3 Core ethical issues and values at stake 7 References 9 Unethical conduct and the whistle-blower Kathryn Bolkovac was a former police officer and she worked as a UN International Police Force monitor. She signed up with DynCorp, the private contractor providing American personnel for the UN mission in Bosnia. She is the one in whole officials, who had the bravery to tell the truth and fight for the victims of sex trafficking, prostitution, put her own life in the risk. During her United Nation mission in Bosnia, Kathryn discovered that people from the mission were involved in sexual slavery and exploitation of young girls that were trafficked mainly from Russia and Ukraine (Huffington Post, 2013). According to The Telegraph (2012), very commonly, the girls had taken jobs as waitresses or nannies in Bosnia, upon arriving they found out that those jobs were only baits to take them somewhere else, where they were sold, striped, abused and forced to be humiliated in brothels. The girls who mange to run away were severely punished by their pimp, theShow MoreRelated The Ethics of Xenotransplantation Essay examples1615 Words   |  7 PagesNov. 4, 2000 there were a total of 72,824 patients on the waiting list to receive replacement organs. Also, in 1999, UNOS reported that 6125 people died while on the waiting list to receive a transplat organ. 3. 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